Rozzell Sykes

December 25, 1931 to December 18, 1994
St Elmo Village Logo

"Do What You Love, Love What You Do".

55th Anniversary

Their Dream Continues to
Survive and Thrive

Roderick Sykes

February 20, 1946 to April 5, 2021
The courtyard view of St Elmo Village

Message from The Village

Dear Village Family and Friends,

We hope this message finds you safe and in good health. Thankfully, St. Elmo Village remains intact and is not in immediate danger. During this challenging time, our thoughts and prayers are with those who have experienced loss or damage due to the Southern California fires. Please take care and stay safe.

With gratitude,
J. Alexander-Sykes, Director

View Us on ABC-7

Black History Month 

July 1971, we are a nonprofit organization, 501(c)(3)

Ongoing Workshops

Free Children's Drawing and Painting Workshop. Saturday 11 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. Learning Fundamentals of different mediums: acrylics paint, pastels, pencils and markers. Starting ages 4 years old to teens.
Free Computer Graphics Workshop Saturday from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Open to ages 10 years old to adults. Develop digital projects independently in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
Free Photography Workshop. Starting September 14, Saturdays from 2 to 4 p.m.
GIVE TODAY, and spread the word!


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